Laura Hickey

Naturopath and Kinesiologist

About Laura

Laura is a highly experienced Naturopath, integrating science, traditional medicine and energetics

As a Naturopath I love working with people as individuals and utilising my Naturopathic knowledge in combination with Kinesiology to get to the heart of your health problems and resolve them naturally.

After a comprehensive intake, I will create a naturopathic treatment plan and with any herbs or supplements that are best for you I will muscle test and check which your body needs. I will also muscle test for food stresses so we can immediately know what foods you can try to avoid in order to improve your digestion, nervous system and energy. During your initial consult I can also look at your mineral and heavy metal status with the oligoscanner – spectrometry device.


I have been practicing as a clinical Naturopath since 2012. I am a degree qualified Naturopath. In 2016 I completed  a 2 year diploma in Kinesiology and since then I have evolved a unique treatment protocol based on integrating these two modalities. I am the founder and owner of Fremantle Natural Health and feel blessed everyday to be working in a profession that I love and am passionate about.

As the mother of 3 children one of whom has Down syndrome I am open and excited about working with neurodiverse/ADHD/autistic children, teens and adults as well as all children and teens in general.

I have worked extensively with allergies since 2017 and am confident I can help relieve your allergy symptoms effectively, naturally and easily.  I also get consistently good results with all things digestion and female reproduction, hormones and energy.

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Laura has special interest and expertise in the following areas:

Naturopath holding a bouquet made of leafy greens and herbs

Natural Allergy Treatments

As a Naturopath and Kinesiologist I can test for any food or airborne substances you are reacting to. I then utilise Kinesiology balances to relieve you of your allergy symptoms. I have had a lot of success and am confident treating;

  • Hayfever
  • Pet Allergies
  • Dust Allergies
  • Bloating
  • Gluten and Dairy intolerance
  • Histamine intolerance
  • Mould sensitivity
  • Infantile colic
  • Digestive pain in adults, children and babies
  • Skin conditions related to food intolerance
  • Diarrhoea
  • Constipation
  • Reflux

Digestive issues

The digestive system is an area I am very confident treating and we usually see improvements after just one session. I treat digestion with probiotics and know exactly which strains are needed when. I also muscle test so you have a list of what you are and are not reacting to. This takes the guess work out for you and means you don’t need to do laborious food elimination diets. Finally I utilise kinesiology to balance your system to the substance so your sensitivity to certain foods is reduced. I have had excellent results treating

  • Bloating
  • Poor digestion
  • Constipation and Diarrhoea
  • IBS
  • Pain and cramping
  • Reflux/heartburn
  • Crohn’s
  • Ulcerative colitis
  • Diverticulitis
  • Nausea
  • Gluten and dairy intolerance

Mother pointing out a snail on a little bouquet of flowers to her son. An orange nasturtium in=s the main flower.

Infant and Child Health

As the mother of 3 children including our darling Rose who has Down’s syndrome. I understand some of the challenges of parenting and parenting a neurodiverse child. Fussy eating, poor behaviour, inattentive listening, spontaneous reckless behaviour, poor sleep, countless meetings with school teachers and principles I have been there and understand what you may be going through. I have found that with a healthy diet and the elimination of certain foods along with very specific individualised supplementation I can bring out the best version of Rose. And when I stop doing these things I see her behaviour change. I would love to work with you and your child and some areas I have worked with and have had success with include;

  • Sleep problems
  • Poor digestion
  • Constipation and Diarrhoea
  • Parasites
  • Behavioural issues
  • Autism
  • Trisomy 21
  • Less common chromosomal anomalies
  • Cognitive impairment
  • Neurodiverse

Emotional Wellbeing

One of my many passions within my work is Kinesiology and working with my clients to help balance their system energetically so that they may feel happier, learn more about themselves, resolve conflict in themselves and their relationships and feel more confident about who they are genuinely. Kinesiology was  life changing for me and I have seen it enable my clients to see and learn about themselves so that they are able to grow and not stagnate within their lives. Kinesiology can be helpful for almost anything but here are a few areas that I have seen really shift within my clients. I have also noticed that once we shift the emotions around an issue then the body is more able to heal itself;

  • Self confidence
  • Communication with self and others
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Inner growth and evolution
  • Improved decision making
  • Better workplace relationships
  • Self care and ability to recognise the need for it
  • Improved eating habits
  • Resolution of childhood trauma or trauma in general

Naturopath hormones Fremantle

Hormone Balance

Herbal medicine can have a powerful balancing effect on hormones. Coupled with supplements, dietary changes and Kinesiology balances, Laura can help you modulate your hormones and remedy symptoms and conditions including;

  • Heavy periods
  • Painful periods
  • Irregular or missing periods
  • Perimenopause and menopause
  • PCOS
  • Endometriosis
  • Laura can also teach you how to track your fertility for natural conception or contraception

Ready to take control of your health?

Our Fremantle practice is conveniently located in Parry Street.

Book your appointment online or call us if you would like to discuss how we can help you get back to good health.

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A young woman about 17 with a young girl of 6 who has Down's syndrome, in a field of nasturtiums