someone is picking a berry from a melon 3 tiered cake, covered in berries and grapes.

Group Detox and Workshop

Clean up your diet, learn how to eat well, and feel great

Join our 4 week group detox. Detox with the accountability and support of a group. Meeting weekly to share progress, highs, lows and have any questions answered by Naturopath Laura Hickey

Naturopath Designed Program

The initial one and a half hour long workshop teaches you about how the body detoxes and how you can support this. Run and created by Naturopath Laura Hickey. Laura provides ongoing support throughout the 4 week program. Available through Whats app support group to answer questions as they arise and offer support as needed. 

Glass jug of beautiful herbal iced tea and a tray of glasses with fresh lime slices on the sides

The detox has many levels, so if you are new to detoxing you can stay on the first level, but if you wish to go deeper you can.

The basis of the detox is clean living. Eliminating toxins and foods that commonly cause stress and add a burden to digestion and the liver, while increasing the intake of foods that help detox, cleanse and support your liver and digestive system. For many this is enough and at the end of the four weeks you’ll feel great.

For those looking for a deeper cleanse or who have done the detox before you can add to the basic level and push your body into a deeper cleanse. You can join in a week of extremely clean eating and finish with a 3 day fast. 

It’s up to you and your needs. You can discuss your options with Laura if you’re not sure what is best for you. 

You do not need to buy any particular products in order to succeed in this detox. It is diet based. There may be the option of teas or other supplements which may help, but they are not essential for the program. 

Next detox workshop: Thursday 27th April 2023